Blog der Familie Motzet

    review 2011 - a year of change(s)

    Werner Motzet  Dezember 31 2011 06:00:00 PM
    This is my second online review for a year, so I will try it for 2011 again:
    Image:review 2011 - a year of change(s) see the german version here Image:review 2011 - a year of change(s)
    Image:review 2011 - a year of change(s)

    Conferences and Exhibitions

    March 4rd CeBit

    Presentation: "Alle Prozesse im Griff mit einem durchgängigen System"
    First Meeting with Maria Gomez Direcor for Collaboration Solutions IBM Germany
    see also on our Blog 21th Feb.

    May 18th to 20th: 34. DNUG

    at Bonn Presentation together with Ulrich Krause @eknori: "Anwendungsentwicklung mit XPages / Umstellung meiner Anwendungen auf XPages – wie fange ich an?"

    May 22th to 24th UKLUG

    at Manchester only visitor, very good conference with more than 200 attendees . I get many new contacts and many contacts get more intensiv. Thanks to Lisa Duke for the nice "This Week In Lotus"-T-Shirt.

    September 18th to 21th: AdminCamp

    at Gelsenkirchen:
    Presentations: "Die Praktische Planung einer Domino Migration" and
    together with Ulrich Krause @eknori: "Domino Performance"
    see also on our Blog 22th September

    Forum and Meetings ("Stammtisch")

    I wrote 305 articles at the german "atnotes" notesforum.

    In the south of Germany we had nine meetings (and I visit 8 of 9):
    January 12th
    , Notes Stammtisch at München
    January 19th
    , SpontanStammtisch N-ER-Fü  (Warmup zur LS) at Nürnberg
    April 15th
    ,11. Stammtisch N-ER-Fü
    May 27th
    , Stammtisch Salzach-Inn at Rosenheim
    June 29th
    ,Stammtich at Stuttgart,
    July 6th
    ,12. Stammtisch N-ER-Fü at Nürnberg
    August 29th
    ,Stammtisch N-ER-Fü at Nürnberg
    December 2nd
    ,traditional 5. Christkindlesmarkt Stammtisch at Nürnberg

    I visited also one "Stammtisch" in the West:
    July 13th
    , Stammtisch at Ratingen / Düsseldorf

    Forums-Meeting Image:review 2011 - a year of change(s)

    I also organized a 3 Day Forums-Meeting at Rothenburg o.Tauber with Visitor from Austria, Germany and Norway
    More Infos and Fotos see at the forum

    new Activities


    @Werner Motzet
    I did 900 Tweets this year

    Google Plus

    +Werner Motzet

    This Blog

    I wrote 55 entries for this blog


    new job

    This year many "yellowbleeded" People did a change of employment.
    Most reaction had the change Mary Beth Raven from IBM to Solidworks
    see Notes Design Blog
    also Ed Brill: Congratulation to Mary Beth Raven
    and in Germany Ulrichs Change produced many reactions.

    On 16th of November I also left the the "yellowbleeded World" and work now for a MS-minded Company.
    I will create next days one or two new posts to explain my decision and to show why I am not "lost 4 the community"
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