Blog der Familie Motzet

    The real ILUG2010 story - Part 1

    Werner Motzet  November 14 2010 10:04:44 AM
    My real ILUG-Story starts in March 2010 at the "Entwicklercamp" in Gelsenkirchen. I met Paul Mooney and he told me "you have to come to ILUG2010, you will enjoy it".
    So I registered at on the opening Day April 6th.
    I loved to visit the site every week to see the growing number of attendees (when logged in).
    I was in anticipation to meet all the people I only know the blog but not the Person (more about this in Part 2,3...)

    After I red Ulrich's blogentry about "The plain simple guide to conferences" I decided on Sunday Nov. 7th to control my goals.
    And after revision the goals I decided to do a preparation to come in contact "with as many people as possible". And I though about how can I do this? And I created a little book with all Speakers and all Attendees I found on the ILUG-Website (public Profiles).

    I think the most important "thing" are the People. Because only People can "build" the Community and the Community is one of the "motors" that promote the "Tool" LotusNotes/Domino.
    In this point I think a little different to Volker who says today: "It has absolutely nothing to do with the product..." I know what you are talking about, but I think you should delete the word "absolutely" because people especially communities have a second "focal point" and this point is the tool "LotusNotes/Domino" as it is LEGO for Warren Elsmore, as we have learned at his presentation on ILUG.

    Back to my story: I created this book on Sunday and it gets 76 pages (including 4 sites for the index) and I created a second book with enough sites for all people I did not find on the website.
    My second goal for the ILUG was "get more practice in speaking English" (= THE community language).
    And today I decided to "change the language" of my blog so I write this (and in the future) in English.

    Now I have to stop writing, as I have to prepare for the next community-meeting: DNUG
    Image:The real ILUG2010 story - Part 1

    But as soon as possible I will be back here to write the next parts, ("Wovon das Herz voll ist, geht der Mund über...")

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